Prerequisites for Hyper-Q Log File Uploader
Before you begin, ensure that you have the following information available, and that your Microsoft Azure environment meets the following requirements.
Install Hyper-Q for Azure Synapse Analytics
Verify that you have installed Hyper-Q in the Microsoft Azure environment. To learn how to install Hyper-Q, see Hyper-Q for Azure Synapse Installation and Setup.
Create an Azure Blob Storage Account
You must create an Azure Storage account and have available the following information:
Azure account URL.
Name of the Blob container you intend to use for storage.
Set the access level of the Blob container to Private, which is the default level. This ensures that there is no anonymous access.
Enable access using one of the following authentication methods:
Shared access signature (SAS) tokens.
Account key.
Managed Identity (System and User).
To learn how to create an Azure storage account and Blob container, see the Microsoft Azure articles Create a storage account and Create a container.