Register the Microsoft ODBC drivers
Registering the Microsoft repositories does not install the ODBC driver suite directly but registers the repository. The Hyper-Qinstallation uses this repository to automatically download and install the ODBC software.
Verify that you can access the ODBC repository URL from within your Azure subscription.
Log in as superuser and register the Microsoft ODBC repositories.
$ sudo su # curl > /etc/yum.repos.d/mssql-release.repo # exit
(Optional) Install the Microsoft ODBC Driver Suite using RPMs
As an alternative to registering the ODBC drivers, you can manually install the drivers from RPMs. You can install the ODBC drivers if your Azure subscription is unable to access the ODBC repository URL. This is most often due to an internet restricted (air-gapped) network environment. An air gap is a security measure that involves isolating a computer or network and preventing it from establishing an external connection.
Obtain the most recent version of the
packages from the ODBC URL.
Use the
command to install both packages.$ sudo yum install msodbcsql17-VSN.x86_64.rpm mssql-tools-VSN.x86_64.rpm